Sponsorships: Thought Leader

Position your company as a thought leader to increase reputation and standing. Session sponsorships subject to availability.
Executive Summit
- Invitations to this exclusive event will include your company logo
- Brought to you by “Your company logo/name” on the online agenda, one of the most viewed pages during the event period
- Same branding in the MEET app on the associated conference session page
- Branding also on related session social media posts, before and during the event
- Choose an executive from your company to give opening
- Interview in Breakbulk Studios to then be posted to our website, on YouTube, and will be given to you for your own marketing use
- Company branding displayed on main screen before and after the summit
(One sponsor per session)
- 3-minute opening remarks
- Logo on holding slide for designated panel session
- Logo and link on the Main Stage/T&I Hub agenda
- Participation in the related session (panel to be agreed with Content Director)
- Speaker to be interviewed in Breakbulk Studios
- Access to Global Shipper Lounge for speaker
- Company profile in event app / event guide
- 3 event passes
- Featured as sponsor on all agenda materials
- May deliver opening remarks and/or a seat on the panel
- Branded napkins and tabletop signs with your brand/message
- May distribute materials and a gift to attendees
- May run a promotional video before start of session
- Interview in Breakbulk Studios
- Logo and company name on Education Day print and digital signage
- Sponsor’s exhibition booth to be part of the Education Day tour
- Recognition on website and marketing materials as Education Day sponsor
- Opportunity to provide brief introductory remarks at Education Day and lead a session, subject to curriculum
- Opportunity to deliver a 20-minute case study on the Tech & Innovation stage (content to be agreed with Content Director)
- Logo and link on the online Tech & Innovation Hub agenda
- Speaker to be interviewed in Breakbulk Studios
- Access to Global Shipper Lounge for speaker
- 3 event passes
Feature Areas
Big Branding
Other Onsite
Advertising, Digital Products, Video