Sponsorships: Big Branding

Lots of great stuff here to stand out from the crowd.
Welcome Reception (Tuesday evening)
- Branding throughout the event cycle as Welcome Reception Sponsor
- Full page ad in the Event Guide
- Option to add entertainment, food & beverage, décor in collaboration with our operations team at your cost
- 10 free event passes
Hall 1 bar exclusive. Hall 2 bar available for a variety of hospitality events (talk to your salesperson if you're interested in hosting an activity here.)
Attendee Badge SOLD
- Sponsorship billing on onsite signage and pre-event marketing, including online, email and print
- Your message will be incorporated into the badge design
- Logo printed in full color, double-sided on the lanyards
- Lanyards to be ordered by Breakbulk Operations team with approval of sponsor
- Logo on website and marketing materials denoting you are the lanyard sponsor
Logo on the front of the guide, distributed at registration
Full page ad in guide with premium positioning
Attendee Bags
- Bag branded with sponsor logo and BBEU logo; printed by sponsor
- Opportunity to provide a 1-page A4 insert or gift in attendee bag (non-exclusive)
- (Gifts to be agreed with Breakbulk event team prior to ordering)
- Opportunity to customise the WiFi username and password used throughout the event
- Sponsor logo to be displayed alongside WiFi details at the event
Feature Areas
Thought Leader
Other Onsite
Advertising, Digital Products, Video