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Stand: 1C52
  • Freight Forwarder

SARC BV, which is an acronym for Scheepsbouwkundig Advies en Reken Centrum (Naval Architectural Software and Engineering Centre), was founded in 1980, when the computer age was still in its early days. Starting with simple programs for tables of hydrostatic data, tank sounding tables and hydrostatic stability calculations, SARC has ever since been developing new software, investigating and implementing new techniques. Today SARC employs some fourteen trained and experienced naval architects, involved in software engineering, software support and project management.  In order to offer their clients state-of-the-art solutions, SARC is continuously investing in research and development, which is reflected by a number of papers in peer-reviewed journals and conference papers.  

SARC’s standard software is marketed under the brand names PIAS (Programs for the Integral Approach of Ship design) and LOCOPIAS (Loading computer software for onboard use). Where applicable this software is according to the latest legislation, IMO directives and classification societies demands. PIAS offers a wide variety of modules for modelling and computation, were the modules Fairway (hull design and fairing),  Layout (decks, bulkheads and compartments) and Probdam (probabilistic damage stability) stand out in particular for their advanced applied methodology. PIAS is in use now by more than 100 organisations, LOCOPIAS has been delivered for more than 1500 vessels.
