Antwerp-Bruges, your breakbulk home port “No size fits all.
Shipping general cargo such as steel, project cargo, and forest products is a bespoke job. Thanks to its can-do attitude and the extensive experience of its many service providers, the port of Antwerp-Bruges shipped 12.7 million tons of general cargo in 2022, with an eye for quality. Handling general cargo creates lots of jobs and is a priority in Port of Antwerp-Bruges’ commercial strategy.
Shipping general cargo such as steel, project cargo, and forest products is a bespoke job. Thanks to its can-do attitude and the extensive experience of its many service providers, the port of Antwerp-Bruges shipped 12.7 million tons of general cargo in 2022, with an eye for quality. Handling general cargo creates lots of jobs and is a priority in Port of Antwerp-Bruges’ commercial strategy.