WISTA Germany e.V. is one of the founding members, with the Netherlands and UK. On 2 December 1974, a handful of women involved in the tanker market met for a Christmas lunch at the Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese in London UK. This evolved to become the worldwide network of women in the shipping industry that we know today. In 1981, the first conference of “Ladies in Shipping” took place in Hamburg. Further conferences took place in 1994 and 2005 in Hamburg, and the latest one took place despite covid- restrictions in October 2021 (recordings can be watched below).
With over 150 members spread across Germany, WISTA Germany is growing steadily. Our members represent all facets of the maritime industry, including shipowners, shipyards, charterers, operators, brokers, bankers, insurance professionals, classification societies, ship supplier, port authorities, analysts, researcher and government officials.
WISTA Germany’s main goals are providing networking and educational opportunities for our members.